Because I Said So…

Because I Said So

The famous reason your parents would give you for why you couldn’t do something – “because I said so.”  I can so clearly remember an instance when I asked my Mom if I could spend the night with a friend.  Upon hearing her “no,” I asked her why not and was told “because I said so.”  I simply could not understand.  It wasn’t a school night, I was not under restriction (punishment), my friend lived downstairs.  There was simply no reason why I shouldn’t be allowed to spend the night, and my Mom knew it too, which was why she didn’t have a reason – and gave the ole’ “because I said so” line.  All kids knew that when their parents responded “because I said so,” it meant they didn’t have a legitimate reason, and that they were simply being mean.

As an adult, we now understand that our parents were not being mean, and that their “because I said so” response held a wealth of reasons that we simply were not mature enough to understand.  We now know that they had our best interest and well-being in mind.  Their “no” was not meant to hurt us, but rather to protect us, guide us, grow us, and direct us.  So it is with God.  When we are met with a “no” and just simply don’t understand, we can be assured that God has reasons, and that we simply may not be spiritually mature enough to understand.  His “no” is not to hurt us, but is to protect us, guide us, grow us, and/or direct us.  We can have complete confidence in the fact that He loves us, and has our best interest and well-being at the center of all of His actions.

Jeremiah 29:11For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

Glory To God For All That He Has Done

Blessings – Janice

The Next Step Christian Coaching

Author: Janice Davis Caldwell, MS, MBA, ACC

Even before I knew what it was called, I was serving as a Christian Life Coach. I have always wanted and sought to be of assistance to others as they navigate through life. A few years ago, I felt a calling on my life, a calling for purpose. It took much prayer and seeking God's face, but I was ultimately led to the Christian Life Coaching profession.

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