
intention[Re-posted from January 23, 2017].  This re-post is timely, since I just came back from a vacation earlier this week.

I was recently on vacation and upon my return, life came crashing at me.  There were so many things that needed to be done and I found myself moving like a robot.  Doing the dishes, emptying the dishwasher, washing clothes, feeding the dog, etc.  During one of these actions, I caught myself and said that I need to be intentional when I do things.  What difference does it make to add intention to my actions you may wonder?

Merriam-Webster defines intent(ion) as having in mind a purpose or goal.  When I am doing the dishes, emptying the dishwasher, or feeding the dog, I often feel as if they are a chore and are eating up my time, and preventing me from doing something more important.  I don’t see them as an activity/action in support of a larger goal.

I have several goals and desires, one of which is to have a tidy, clean home.  In order to make that happen, dishes have to be washed, floors have to be cleaned, carpets have to be cleaned, etc.  Instead of seeing these actions as drudgery and time eaters, they are actually necessary actions in support of my desire to have a clean home.  By simply acknowledging that I have a goal of a clean and tidy home, my actions become intentional in nature, which now supplies satisfaction upon completion rather than irritation.

Below are some activities that I have now categorized intentionally:

Be Healthy = Healthy Eating – Grocery Shopping

Be Healthy = Exercising -Going to Gym

Tidy Home = Washing Dishes and Cleaning Floors

Healthy Dog = Walking Dog

Healthy Friendships = Time for fellowship

Whether you, someone else in your family or someone you hire carries out the activities, I believe it is still valuable to see how and in what ways the actions support a larger goal (intention).

Blessings To You – Janice

Website:  The Next Step Christian Coaching


Author: Janice Davis Caldwell, MS, MBA, ACC

Even before I knew what it was called, I was serving as a Christian Life Coach. I have always wanted and sought to be of assistance to others as they navigate through life. A few years ago, I felt a calling on my life, a calling for purpose. It took much prayer and seeking God's face, but I was ultimately led to the Christian Life Coaching profession.

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