Dying To Self

DyingI was speaking to someone last week about how I feel like I am losing some parts of myself and how difficult and somewhat melancholy I am finding the process.  I spoke about how the longer you are a Christian the more and more you strive, and are desirous, to develop the characteristics and mannerisms of Christ.  You desire that development because not only are you so very thankful for how and the many ways that God has demonstrated His love and concern for you; but also because you love Him and simply want to be like Him.

As your Christian characteristics grow, there are parts of your old self that die away.  While I celebrate this growth, I have noticed some amount, fleeting though it may be, of sadness at the loss.  At first I tried to negate the feeling, but have come to realize that it is okay to acknowledge them and to understand that death brings some form of emotions.  I think about so many things in nature that demonstrate the need to leave the old behind and celebrate the new.  The most known would be the movement of the caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

In order to fully carry out my Christian purpose, I have to continue to grow more Christ-like and to allow those parts of me that inhibit or impede this growth to die off.  While I experience brief sadness over the loss of some part of myself, I rejoice that the death brings me closer to Christ.

I am reminded of two scriptures in particular:

Colossians 3:3 – “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

II Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Blessings – Janice

Glory To God For All That He Has Done

Next Steps Christian Coaching

Because I Said So…

Because I Said So

The famous reason your parents would give you for why you couldn’t do something – “because I said so.”  I can so clearly remember an instance when I asked my Mom if I could spend the night with a friend.  Upon hearing her “no,” I asked her why not and was told “because I said so.”  I simply could not understand.  It wasn’t a school night, I was not under restriction (punishment), my friend lived downstairs.  There was simply no reason why I shouldn’t be allowed to spend the night, and my Mom knew it too, which was why she didn’t have a reason – and gave the ole’ “because I said so” line.  All kids knew that when their parents responded “because I said so,” it meant they didn’t have a legitimate reason, and that they were simply being mean.

As an adult, we now understand that our parents were not being mean, and that their “because I said so” response held a wealth of reasons that we simply were not mature enough to understand.  We now know that they had our best interest and well-being in mind.  Their “no” was not meant to hurt us, but rather to protect us, guide us, grow us, and direct us.  So it is with God.  When we are met with a “no” and just simply don’t understand, we can be assured that God has reasons, and that we simply may not be spiritually mature enough to understand.  His “no” is not to hurt us, but is to protect us, guide us, grow us, and/or direct us.  We can have complete confidence in the fact that He loves us, and has our best interest and well-being at the center of all of His actions.

Jeremiah 29:11For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

Glory To God For All That He Has Done

Blessings – Janice

The Next Step Christian Coaching


intention[Re-posted from January 23, 2017].  This re-post is timely, since I just came back from a vacation earlier this week.

I was recently on vacation and upon my return, life came crashing at me.  There were so many things that needed to be done and I found myself moving like a robot.  Doing the dishes, emptying the dishwasher, washing clothes, feeding the dog, etc.  During one of these actions, I caught myself and said that I need to be intentional when I do things.  What difference does it make to add intention to my actions you may wonder?

Merriam-Webster defines intent(ion) as having in mind a purpose or goal.  When I am doing the dishes, emptying the dishwasher, or feeding the dog, I often feel as if they are a chore and are eating up my time, and preventing me from doing something more important.  I don’t see them as an activity/action in support of a larger goal.

I have several goals and desires, one of which is to have a tidy, clean home.  In order to make that happen, dishes have to be washed, floors have to be cleaned, carpets have to be cleaned, etc.  Instead of seeing these actions as drudgery and time eaters, they are actually necessary actions in support of my desire to have a clean home.  By simply acknowledging that I have a goal of a clean and tidy home, my actions become intentional in nature, which now supplies satisfaction upon completion rather than irritation.

Below are some activities that I have now categorized intentionally:

Be Healthy = Healthy Eating – Grocery Shopping

Be Healthy = Exercising -Going to Gym

Tidy Home = Washing Dishes and Cleaning Floors

Healthy Dog = Walking Dog

Healthy Friendships = Time for fellowship

Whether you, someone else in your family or someone you hire carries out the activities, I believe it is still valuable to see how and in what ways the actions support a larger goal (intention).

Blessings To You – Janice

Website:  The Next Step Christian Coaching


The Next Step

The Next Step[Reposted From – February 1, 2016]

Have you ever been unsure of what you should do next?

You’ve heard God’s voice and you want to be obedient.  You hesitant because you can only see the next step and not the full path.

It is a human desire to know where we are going before we begin to move.  How often do we utilize our GPS or MapQuest before we begin a journey? We do this for many reasons, not the least of which is our desire not to become lost.  Anxious, confused, and angry are a few of the emotions that we may experience when we are lost – and an overall lack of control.

It is when we overlay these human emotions on our spiritual walk that we struggle. When I would find myself in this situation, my Dad would often say “…just take the next step Janice, and God will direct you to the step after that…”  It is truly a faith walk!

Will you be a little nervous and anxious as you step forward? Possibly – likely, but the point is that in spite of those feelings you still take the next step!

Glory To God For All That He Has Done

Blessings To You – Janice Caldwell

The Next Step Christian Coaching

The Reaping

ReapingI was recently speaking with a friend about how often we utilize God’s promise about reaping in a negative way.  God tell us in in Galatians 6:7-8:

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” 

We often say after someone does something contrary to God’s will that he is going to reap what he has sown.  I know that the vast majority of times I have referred to this promise, I have used it in such a way.  When you think about the image of the Grim Reaper – he is carrying a sickle which is used to reap crops.  So the image is one to focuses on those that sow to the flesh.

On my way to work last week, I was listening to a song by William Murphy entitled “It’s Working,” and part of the lyrics include:

This is my season for grace for favor
This is my season to reap what I have sown

It started me wondering why I don’t acknowledge those that are sowing to the Spirit and say “…they are going to reap what they have sown?”  Why don’t I acknowledge the positive and uplifting side of God’s promise?  I think this world has a way of having us focus on the negatives and not the positives.  I have made a commitment to begin to focus on the positives and to begin to acknowledge the beautiful promise of Galatians, and that those who sow “…to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”

To God Be The Glory For All That He Has Done

Blessings – Janice

To hear the song “It’s Working” at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxKm_ZJfofA

Life Transitions Christian Coaching


When Routine Is No Longer Routine

routineWhen Routine Is No Longer Routine.  This phrase was recently spoken to me and I found it very profound.  The individual was reliving the routine she had of going to the hospital when her mother was admitted, and then subsequently released.  This routine happened on multiple occasions, until the last time when her mother was not released because she passed away.  It was at that point that her routine was no longer routine.

Routine is often defined as a regular, more or less unvarying procedure, customary, prescribed, or habitual, as of business or daily life.  I thought about the routine phrase this morning when I was driving to worship service alone.  I have had a routine for several years, of riding together with my Mom to worship service.  Our routine was interrupted this morning because she wasn’t feeling well.  As I drove to worship service, I thought about how used to the routine I had become; how I had gotten used to her talking about what she watched the night before on “Dateline” or on the ID network, or catching me up on family matters.  The ride to worship service was quiet, and I realized how much I missed the company and the chit chat.  It was when my routine was no longer routine, that I was able to truly appreciate it.  I was left wondering how I can learn to appreciate the routine things in life before they are no longer routine.

While I am still wondering about it, I now know the importance of not taking routine things for granted.  Life is made up of small, what may seem like routine moments, but those are the moments that make up our lives.

To God Be The Glory For All That He Has Done

Blessings – Janice

Life Transitions Christian Coaching


Are You Ready for the Yes? (It Might Not Come The Way You Think…)

Ready for the yesI have been in prayer for certain areas in my live for a few years.  I have waited patiently for God’s answer and I have been prepared for Him to say “no.”  What I realized most recently, was that I was not prepared for the “yes,” or the way the “yes”    might come.

There is an old story/parable about a man praying for assistance from God and then not being ready or able to see the assistance when it arrives (The Parable of the Flood).

A man was trapped in his house during a flood. He began praying to God to rescue him. He had a vision in his head of God’s hand reaching down from heaven and lifting him to safety. The water started to rise in his house. His neighbor urged him to leave and offered him a ride to safety. The man yelled back, “I am waiting for God to save me.” The neighbor drove off in his pick-up truck.

The man continued to pray and hold on to his vision. As the water began rising in his house, he had to climb up to the roof. A boat came by with some people heading for safe ground. They yelled at the man to grab a rope they were ready to throw and take him to safety. He told them that he was waiting for God to save him. They shook their heads and moved on.

The man continued to pray, believing with all his heart that he would be saved by God. The flood waters continued to rise. A helicopter flew by and a voice came over a loudspeaker offering to lower a ladder and take him off the roof. The man waved the helicopter away, shouting back that he was waiting for God to save him. The helicopter left. The flooding water came over the roof and caught him up and swept him away. He drowned.

When he reached heaven and asked, “God, why did you not save me? I believed in you with all my heart. Why did you let me drown?” God replied, “I sent you a pick-up truck, a boat and a helicopter and you refused all of them. What else could I possibly do for you?”

How often do we keep praying and waiting patiently and our answer/deliverance has been granted, but because it did not come the way we envisioned, we don’t see it – and keep on praying?  I know that I am guilty!  It is like asking for help, and then giving specific instruction on how you want the help to come.  This does not make sense in this world, how much sillier it is to ask for help and then believe you know better than the almighty God, on how and in what ways your help should come.

God wants us to be in relationship with Him, and to ask Him for what we need and want.  Christians understand that sometimes the answer will be no, or not right now, but we also know that the answer may be yes.  What we may not completely understand is that the yes may not come in the form we anticipate.  God tell us in Matthew 7:7 to “ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

I was recently unsure of taking a step, but in speaking to others, they reminded me of what I had been praying about for a few years, and how the opportunity in front of me, answered those prayers.  I did not see it for myself, but once I was reminded of my prayers, I saw God’s hand completely in the opportunity.

Don’t miss the answer to your prayers, because it did not come the way you expected.  God knows best!

Glory To God For All That He Has Done

Blessings – Janice

Life Transitions Christian Coaching



Lost… and Facing A Crossroad

CrossroadsI am sure many of us remember being told “…watch where you are going,” or “look right and left before crossing the street.”  We were told to be aware, because it is important to know where you are or where you are going.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have found myself driving around aimlessly because I was lost.  Once I was lost in Temple, Texas trying to find a bar-b-que restaurant.  A few days later, I found myself lost in Dallas trying to find a bar-b-que restaurant (clearly, I like bar-b-que).  In both cases, I had no idea how to get to my location, but I thought if I kept driving I would finally see something that was familiar and then would know what direction to go.  In both cases, I found myself at an intersection (crossroad). My Mom was with me on both occasions, and I remember her saying “…go in this direction, there looks like there is life down there.”  We were making decisions based on what we saw, but the problem was that we could only see so far, and had no idea what was beyond what we saw.  Finally, when I got tired enough, I gave in and utilized the navigation system.

All of this started me thinking of what it means to be at a crossroad; at a point where a decision has to be made.  Do we go forward, to the right, to the left, or maybe even turn around?  If we trust our vision, we can only see so far – we can’t see around a bend, over a hill, or down in a valley.  Our view is limited, and if we decide based solely on what we see, we are making a mistake.  It is highly unlikely that we would choose a road that was full of rocks and obstacles; a road that from the very beginning seems difficult.  We would more likely choose a road that was smooth and had no impediments.  If we choose incorrectly, we may find ourselves lost and going in circles.

Christians make a mistake when we trust ourselves to make a crossroad decision.  Our vision is limited, but God is all-seeing (Hebrews 4:13) and knows the path that we should take that will be for our ultimate good.  While we would likely choose the smooth path with no impediments, God may want us to take the path with the rocks and obstacles.  There may be people He wants us to encounter and help on the more difficult path; or there may be lessons that we are to learn as we overcome the obstacles.  As we travel the more difficult path, we may grow in patience, faith, understanding, love, and hope.

When We Are Lost:

When we find ourselves lost and going in circles, we should use our navigation system (God) and ask Him which direction we should go.  Once He directs us, we should trust Him and move quickly in that direction even though we may be tired and frustrated from being lost.

When We Have A Crossroad Decision:

When we come to a crossroad in our lives, we should use our navigation system (God) and ask Him which direction He wants us to go.  Once He directs us, we should move quickly in that direction even though it may be the opposite of what we would have chosen.

God tells us to trust Him with all of our heart “…and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV)

Glory To God For All That He Has Done

Blessings On Your Journey – Janice

Life Transitions Christian Coaching

Here… At The End of All Things

End of All ThingsI have always been a fan of sci-fi and fantasy movies.  If you ask me why, I would not be able to explain.  But I will line up to see Star Wars, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings type of films.  I just enjoy them.  One of my favorites is the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy.  In the last film of the trilogy, one of the main characters and his friend find themselves at what they believe is the end of their journey and believe that their death is imminent.  Frodo Baggins says a phrase that I have repeated often “…here, at the end of all things.”

Within the span of a week I have been informed of the passing of a former co-worker; the passing of a former co-worker’s husband; and the passing of a co-worker’s sister – all under 70 years old.  God has told us that time is like a vapor – that it appears for a little while, and then it is gone (James 4:14).  We know from our own personal experiences how fragile and temporary life is.  So I wonder when we come to “…the end of all things,” what will we feel was the purpose of our lives.  Did we focus:

  • on the job and of achieving more; or on our relationships and loving more?
  • on getting a bigger house or newer car; or on spreading the Good news and being God’s Ambassador?
  • on traveling around the world; or on repairing and strengthening relationships?
  • on losing weight and looking a certain way; or on demonstrating empathy and compassion for others?

At the end of all things, what will be said about our lives?

To God Be The Glory For All That He Has Done

Blessings – Janice

Life Transitions Christian Coaching

May I Have A Moment Lord?

GrowOften when you hear that term “May I have a moment?” it generally means that the person is asking for some time, a little bit of time to process or to get their emotions under control; a kind of time out.  I have been wondering about the Christian’s ability to ask the Lord for a moment?

May I have a moment Lord to:

  • be angry
  • be frustrated
  • be weary
  • be unsatisfied
  • feel that life is unfair

I wondered about my ability as a Christian, to have a moment to experience those feelings – not simply to experience them, but the ability to ask the Lord for that moment.  And in that moment of feeling a ‘certain kind of way,’ also quickly recalling that He:

  • Is On My Side – Psalms 118:6 “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?”


  • Wants Me To Have An Abundant Life – John 10:10 “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”


  • Will Fight My Battles – Exodus 14:14 “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.”


  • Loves Me; Sacrificed His Son for Me; and Wants Me to Live With Him Eternally – John 3: 16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

I have had, and no doubt will have those times when I need a moment – when I am asking God to allow me just a moment to feel that certain kind of way.  However, even in asking God for that moment, I am reflective of all the ways in which He asks me and supports me in moving past those feelings (II Peter 3:18 “ But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.”)

My prayer and goal is that I will grow to need less of those moments, but for now, I thank Him for His grace and mercy as I move along this Christian path.

To God Be The Glory For All That He Has Done

Blessings – Janice

Life Transitions Christian Coaching